Enquiry Form


Vice Chairman Message

Jay Kumar Pandey

Vice Chairman
Kampa Bhai Vocational Training Institute Ltd.

Mob: 7857043452
Email: vc.kbvti@gmail.com

As Vice Chairman of KBVTIL, it is my privilege to share our vision and ongoing commitment to fostering a future-ready workforce. At KBVTIL we believe in empowering individuals through cutting-edge training programs that bridge skill gaps and meet industry demands.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, continuous learning and skill enhancement are no longer optional but essential. Our dedicated team of experts, advanced curriculum, and hands-on training methodology ensure that learners are equipped with skill and that is the very purpose of this scheme -NATS (National Apprenticeship Training Scheme)

We take pride in collaborating with organizations and institutions to make this program smoothly operated which drive productivity and innovation among new entrepreneur and industry through cost effective manpower and workforce as this scheme provide huge stipennary benifit to establishment.Together, we can shape a skilled workforce capable of meeting the challenges of tomorrow.

Thank you for your trust in KBVTIL Let us continue to work together to make a meaningful impact in the realm of skills development.


